Dr. Manoj Kumar Verma

Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University, Prayagraj
Mobile: 9415302861
Email: swayam-uno-0849@prsuniv.ac.in

SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) is a pioneering programme initiated by the Government of India to realize the three cardinal principles of the Education Policy: access, equity, and quality. Its primary objective is to extend the best teaching and learning resources to all, including the most disadvantaged, thereby bridging the digital divide and integrating learners into the mainstream of the knowledge economy. Through a robust, indigenously developed IT platform, SWAYAM hosts courses ranging from Class 9 to postgraduate levels. These courses are accessible anytime, anywhere, and are available free of cost to all Indian residents. Developed by over 1,000 distinguished educators and experts from across the country, these interactive courses include:
  • Video lectures for visual and auditory learning.
  • Specially prepared reading materials for download and printing.
  • Self-assessment tools such as quizzes and tests.
  • Online discussion forums to clarify doubts and foster collaboration.
SWAYAM integrates modern pedagogy with cutting-edge audio-video tools and multimedia resources to deliver an enriched and dynamic learning experience. To ensure the highest quality content, seven National Coordinators oversee the development and implementation of the courses.
Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University's Initiative to Implement SWAYAM
The University has taken proactive steps to adopt and promote SWAYAM within its academic framework, aligning with the national vision of digital inclusion and educational excellence. Key initiatives include:
  • Faculty Training and Awareness: Organizing workshops to train faculty members in designing, developing, and delivering MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) on the SWAYAM platform.
  • Curriculum Integration: Encouraging departments to integrate SWAYAM courses into their academic programs, enabling students to earn credits for successfully completed courses.
  • Dedicated Support Cell: Establishing a SWAYAM support cell to assist educators and students in navigating the platform effectively and ensuring seamless participation.
  • Promotion of Digital Learning: Conducting campaigns to raise awareness among students about the benefits of SWAYAM and how it complements traditional classroom learning.
  • Content Development: Collaborating with expert faculty to contribute high-quality courses to the SWAYAM platform, further enhancing its repository.
  • SWAYAM Mentors: All faculty members serve as SWAYAM mentors, promoting the SWAYAM courses and encouraging students to enrol in them.
Through these initiatives, the University tries to empower its students and faculty, ensuring access to top-notch educational resources and bridging the gap between traditional and digital learning ecosystems.


List of Selected SWAYAM Online Courses for Even Semester 2024-2025

S.No Department/Subject Name. Selected SWAYAM Course Level of Course
32LawDirective Principles of State Policy and Fundamental Duties: Constitutional ImperativeFor PG Programme
33LawAdvanced Contract, Tendering and Public ProcurementFor UG Programme
34ManagementFundamentals of InvestmentFor UG Programme
35ManagementSupply Chain ManagementFor UG Programme
36ManagementNew Product DevelopmentFor PG Programme
37ManagementBanking and Financial Markets:A Risk Management PerspectiveFor PG Programme
38ManagementAdvertising ManagementFor UG Programme
39ManagementBusiness Research MethodsFor UG Programme
40ManagementAI in accountingFor UG Programme
41MathematicsAdvanced Course on Partial Differential Equations - IIFor PG Programme
42PhilosophySocio and Political PhilosophyFor PG Programme
43PhilosophySoft Skill DevelopmentFor PG Programme
44PhilosophySocio Political PhilosophyFor UG Programme
45PhilosophyEssentials of Indian PhilosophyFor UG Programme
46PhysicsQuantum Entanglement: Fundamentals, measures and applicationsFor PG Programme
47PhysicsDigital Electronics and MicroprocessorFor PG Programme
48PhysicsIntroduction to Nanoscience and NanotechnologyFor PG Programme
49PhysicsFundamental of Electronic EngineeringFor UG Programme
50PhysicsFundamentals of Electronic EngineeringFor UG Programme
51Political SciencePolitical Ideologies,For UG Programme
52Political ScienceApproaches to International RelationsFor PG Programme
53Political ScienceUnderstanding Political TheoryFor PG Programme
54Political SciencePolitical Theory: Concepts & DebatesFor UG Programme
55Political ScienceIndia's Foreign Policy in a Globalizing WorldFor PG Programme
56Political ScienceGlobal Politics, Gender & Violence,For PG Programme
57SanskritSanskrit Sahitya ka Aalochanaatmak VishleshanFor UG Programme
58SanskritSanskrit Bhasha aur SahityaFor UG Programme
59SanskritSanskrit Composition and CommunicationFor UG Programme
60Social WorkCounselling in Social WorkFor UG Programme
61SociologySociological Perspectives on ModernityFor UG Programme
62SociologySociology of India - 2For UG Programme
63SociologyEnvironmental SociologyFor UG Programme
64SociologyInformation Security and Cyber ForensicsFor PG Programme
65SociologyGender and ViolenceFor UG Programme
66ZoologyEnzymologyFor PG Programme
67ZoologyApplied and Economic ZoologyFor PG Programme
1Agriculturewater resources managementFor PG Programme
2AgricultureExperimental BiochemistryFor UG Programme
3Ancient History Culture & ArchaeologyArt Appreciation: An Introduction to Indian ArtFor UG Programme
4Ancient History Culture & ArchaeologyIntroduction to Ancient Indian Architecture,For PG Programme
5Ancient History Culture & ArchaeologyQualitative Research Methods and Research WritingFor Ph.D. Programme
6Ancient History Culture & ArchaeologyHistory of Indian BuddhismFor PG Programme
7Ancient History Culture & ArchaeologyResearch Methodology in HistoryFor UG Programme
8Animal Husbandry and DairyingAnimal Waste ManagementFor UG Programme
9Applied EcobomicsInternational EconomicsFor PG Programme
10Applied EconomicsAgricultural EconomicsFor PG Programme
11Applied EconomicsFundamentals of Monetary EconomicsFor UG Programme
12BotanyPlant PhysiologyFor UG Programme
13BotanyPlant EmbryologyFor UG Programme
14BotanyEcology, Environment and TourismFor PG Programme
16ChemistryCoordination ChemistryFor UG Programme
17ChemistrySupramolecular Chemistry-IFor PG Programme
18ChemistryChemical EnergeticsFor UG Programme
19ChemistryStates of Matters and Chemical KineticsFor UG Programme
20ChemistryEquilibria & Functional Organic Chemistry-IFor PG Programme
21CommerceConsumer behaviourFor UG Programme
22CommerceInternational MarketingFor PG Programme
23CommerceHRD: Strategies and systemsFor UG Programme
24Commerce & ManagementUnderstanding Organizational BehaviourFor UG Programme
25Commerce & ManagementStrategic Financial Management: Managing for Value CreationFor PG Programme
26Computer Science & EngineeringData Structure using C ProgrammingFor UG Programme
27Computer Science and EngineeringProgramming in PythonFor PG Programme
28EnglishCultural StudiesFor PG Programme
29GeographyBasics of Remote Sensing GIS and GNSS its ApplicationFor PG Programme
30HindiC/c++ -hindiFor UG Programme
31HindiHindi bhasha avm sanpreshnFor PG Programme