Department of Philosophy

Prof.Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University is an up-coming premiere institutionin higher academic world. Established in 2016 is marching ahead under the catalytic,innovative and magnetic guidance of The Honorable Vice-Chancellor Dr.Akhilesh Kumar Singh to achieve to the target of perfect academicexcellence, quality research and positive teacher-student interaction. TheDepartment of Philosophy is established in 2020 and it is a matter of greatpleasure and satisfaction that from the Session (2020-21) the post-graduateteaching in the subject of  Philosophyand from the session 2021-2022  UG+PGprogramme  and Integrated Progamme inArts has started.

           The head of the Department is Dr.Avinash Kumar Srivastava and another faculty member is Dr. Yuvraj Singh.


The Department of Philosophy since it’s inception is working on a long termmodule based on the thought that in this materialistic world where there is acut throat competition and a mad Russ where everybody is involved either bychoice or by compulsion to achieve the target about which he/she does not know.This is the critical situation where an individual is unable to find outhis/her own capability rather he/she is working under the pressure of so calledsocial status.

           In this type of piquant situation,the Philosophy i.e. it’s teaching, relevance and utility become automaticallythe most relevant for Individual, Society, Nation and of course the entireWorld.

Thelong term vision is based on the following pillars:

v  CBCS would be applicable in the UG/PG coursesfrom the current Session.

v UGsyllabus is accepted as per the guidelines of UP Government.

v Thesyllabus at the U.G. level shall be sketched as per parameter provided in thenew education policy-2020, i.e. the syllabus will include the basics of lifeskill so that with simultaneous study of the Philosophy, a skill based paperwould be introducing at the U.G. level.

v Thesyllabus at the U.G. level will emphasis on the ethics and ethos of the land sothat a student through the value based teaching would be effectively convertedinto an ideal citizen of the country.

v Alongwith the study of Vaidik, Religion/Philosophy, modern Indian Philosophy a paperof comparative world philosophy would be introduce so that a student mayinculcate global canvas.

v TheU.G. level student shall be promoted for field practical dissertation so thatby collaborating with the common man the uses of the Philosophy may beeffectively conveyed.

v ForP.G. level syllabus a comprehensive overhauling is a requisite requirement.

v Nowa day the entire world is confronting with valueless ethical environment,resulting in various problem such as depression, negativity violence, pessimismetc. Therefore, to conquer these problems the right use of Philosophy would bean effective cure that’s how the study of Applied Ethics would be beneficial toall.

v ‘Howthe study of Philosophy may be beneficial to everybody’would be the theme on which the P.G. student would be encouraging to preparethe dissertation and would be presented before the Departmental Committee.

v Inhouse Department level test would be conducted so that the best student wouldbe selected and shall be promoted for quality research work.

v TheDepartment in collaboration with other Department such as Sanskrit, PoliticalScience and Social-Work will find out the areas in which mutual teaching andresearch work may be initiated.

v Theunique features of the department are that the U.G. and P.G syllabus would bedesigned that it must match with the requirements of the civil services andother competitive examinations.

Mission:The mission of the Department of Philosophy is-

v “Throughquality, productive and modern teaching the Department shall promote thestudents to create a praise worthy place in the society. The Department ofPhilosophy aims to prepare Ideal Citizen and skilled individual who workethically. With the positive contribution the teacher and the students willdefinitely give their best to add the remarkable features in the cap of Prof.Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University.

